Preparing for Parenthood

For first-time parents, creating a baby registry is often overwhelming. There is a steep learning curve that comes with making informed decisions: which car seat is safest? What is a convertible crib? What is the difference between these 5 bottles? The stakes can feel high. Additionally, parents can have unrealistic expectations for those first few days, months, and years of parenthood. The reality of parenthood is much messier and far from perfect.

buybuybaby set out to support, empathize with, and empower parents as they prepare for parenthood by creating a Registry Guide and Video Campaign demonstrating buybuybaby’s assortment and expertise.

Video Campaign

In partnership with The Distillery Project, I oversaw buybuybaby’s registry video campaign with the objective of highlighting buybuybaby’s expertise, range of products, and omnichannel shopping experience, all through the lens of what parents really need for parenthood. Parenthood is messy and not picture-perfect; buybuybaby knows that and has everything parents need for reality of parenthood.

Registry Guide

I led the overhaul of buybuybaby’s 80 page printed Registry Guide to help parents better navigate the registry process. What was previously just a catalog transformed into a true guide with an editorial point of view, creating a framework for parents that helps break down the jargon, understand product functionality, and provides tips from real parents. A year later, the guide was transformed into a fully digital experience, with the ability to directly add products to an online registry.

CREDITS: VP of Creative: Ethan Trask | Creative Direction: Emma Gaines-Ross | Art Direction: Rebecca Tessin, Shira Cohen | Copywriting: Sharlene Breakey, Jessica Hartshorn | Photography: Frank Frances, Cheng Lin


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